Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Conflicts of Interest Essay

There are a wide range of definitions for Conflict of Interest, however most all mean the equivalent or point to a similar course. At the point when blessings, outside exercises, for example, counseling, or monetary and guardian intrigue can possibly make a specific choice or responsibility with a business it is viewed as irreconcilable situation. Despite the fact that there are various definitions the one embraced by the Institute of Medicine is useful. It states, â€Å"A irreconcilable circumstance is a situation that makes a hazard that proficient judgment or activities with respect to an essential intrigue will be unduly affected by an auxiliary interest.† An irreconcilable circumstance for the most part happens in a couple of basic ways. One might be the point at which an individual has the chance to utilize his/her partners’ position for individual monetary benefit or advantage an organization wherein the individual has a money related premium. Another way is when outside money related improperly impact the manner by which an individual does his/her partners’ obligations. The last most basic method of irreconcilable circumstance is the point at which an individual’s outside interests in any case may make hurt partners’ notoriety, staff, or patients. Irreconcilable circumstances are frequently unavoidable and as a rule can be suitably overseen or diminished to a satisfactory level. The individuals in the business should see outside movement, intrigue, or communication that can possibly make strife. A couple of irreconcilable situation models that are not satisfactory are: Receiving a blessing from a merchant. For instance, Aaron works for a counseling firm. He acknowledges a huge blessing from a customer in return for a markdown on the administrations his manager gives. Being identified with laborers and giving them unexpected treatment in comparison to the standard representative. For instance, John works for an organization that is overseen by Uncle Steve. John reports to Uncle Steve to get salary increases, advancements and different advantages that others in his equivalent position don't get. Accomplishing independent work for a contending organization as an afterthought. For instance, Melissa works all day for Canon as an advertising chief. In her extra time, she accomplishes independent work for Nikon, assisting with promoting their organization with the abilities she has gained from Canon. Richard Parsons is a piece of two distinct organizations. â€Å"Because Parsons has an obvious fiduciaryâ duty to Citibank’s investors and must put their enthusiasm in front of his or anybody else’s, his budgetary stake in Providence resembles a worldview of an irreconcilable situation †also the way that Citibank, with every one of its issues, presumably needs the full-time consideration of the executive of its board.† As expressed in the content it is accepted to be irreconcilable situation since Mr. Parsons is engaged with the two organizations. Citibank anyway doesn't see it being an irreconcilable situation, and in certainty says they would not permit â€Å"even the appearance† of irreconcilable circumstance. On occasion Prov idence needs financing and Citibank regularly loan them cash. It is accepted the two organizations have such incredible connection on account of Richard Parsons. The two organizations acknowledge an arrangement they will profit by, however is it the best arrangement Citi can have? Despite the fact that Citibank accepts there is no irreconcilable circumstance there might be. The two organizations can profit by one arrangement, yet Citi bank can arrange an arrangement that they can profit by additional. Why don’t they arrange a superior arrangement however? On the off chance that they do get a superior arrangement it will have the chance of harming Providence. Richard Parsons may not be a piece of the arrangement, yet the moderators know who their supervisor is and don't have any desire to make his business look terrible. Since Richard Parsons is in both business it makes irreconcilable situation he doesn't mean for. It additionally makes unscrupulous activities happen. In spite of the fact that they aren’t purposeful they despite everything occur. It is deceptive for one individual to influence the two organizations, their arrangements, and their prosperity. Keyon Communications is a broadband supplier that is worth about just four pennies. In 200 9 the organizations loaded moved from four pennies to two dollars and ten pennies. The unavoidable issue is how? Financial specialists offer up the company’s stock and trust in it to take off. Obviously the organization trusted it was a billion dollar organization, yet the fact of the matter is the loaded was powered up by Joe Noel. Joe Noel was an investigator for Emerging Growth Research. He leaves well enough alone that Keyon granted him seventy 5,000 offers before he even started covering the organization. The company’s stock in the long run went down and indicated that the company’s stock was really just ninety five pennies. The writings expresses that it is less sure whether there is irreconcilable circumstance or not, yet it trust it is simpler to decide for the situation with Joe Noel and Keyon Communication. Joe Noel acknowledged a lot of offers before he helped their sock. Giving Joe Noel such offers moved him to put resources into their organization. One of the most effortless irreconcilable circumstance to see is the point at which a blessing orâ something is acknowledged from a seller, and the merchant realizes it will in the end advantage them. It was exploitative for Joe Noel to support their stock to such an extent. It delude others in deduction the organization was preferable and worth progressively over it genuinely was. I accept individuals don't go around talking about or suggesting explicit stocks except if they are inquired. It very well may be viewed a s irreconcilable situation to talk about speculations since somebody can put resources into a specific organization to profit somebody or a business. Companions may examine stocks and ventures and can make irreconcilable circumstance or can basically suggest certain speculations and talk about what might be ideal. In the event that somebody get some information about your speculations it is alright to examine, yet not to make bargains that will be viewed as irreconcilable circumstance. Each organization ought to have an arrangement to stay away from irreconcilable situation. The arrangement must included numerous things however some principle ones are: The representative owes an obligation of dedication to the organization. Consistently when on the job, regardless of time or spot, workers ought to commit their complete consideration to the company’s business and their obligations. A worker must stay away from any movement that contentions with their enthusiasm of the organization. A representative must unveil a possible clash ahead of time. Outside business is restricted except if endorsed by the business ahead of time. The organization will deny authorization for such outside business if anytime it antagonistically influences the employee’s capacity, wellness, or status to work.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Case Study -- Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Contextual investigation - Report - Essay Example The paper is legitimately pertinent to the case in which the executives of representative relations and pledge to the association is the core of all issues experienced at Ancol. (Wilde, 1985) The subsequent paper is â€Å"Fostering a domain of representative commitment to build duty and motivation† by Geoffrey C Lloyd. This paper utilizes a contextual investigation to hand-off its point. It is considering British Gas Company which prevailing after they actualized their boss executive’s recommendation. The paper accentuates on different manners by which a situation of worker commitment can be developed in an association. It lays center around the significance of strengthening, accelerating of correspondence process among the board and workers and offers exhortation to organizations who are considering rebuilding their association. The paper is exceptionally pertinent to Ancol. Indeed, even Ancol is battling with empowering work place efficiency, checking absteeniesm and setting up sound relations among the board and representatives. The paper will offer understanding into methods of improving things at Ancol and has a rich writing that will give more space for basic reasoning and investigation. (LIoyd, 1996) The third paper is â€Å"Work Structuring for representative motivation† by Lyndon Jones. ... This is a moderately little yet significant paper that clarifies manners by which great sound connections can be cultivated in a work place condition; on the sort of human asset approaches that ought to be received. Examination: Sims had been as of late designated as the supervisor of the Sheparton plant of Ancol. This was a significant point in his vocation and he needed to sort things out at Ancol by utilizing his administration mastery. When Sims entered Ancol, he understood that the administration and worker relations were seriously stressed inside the association. There were some significant tiffs among them and they were not eye to eye as for the authoritative objectives. Subsequently, the focal point of all his center was improving ties between the administration and workers. In this offer to improve ties between the administration and the workers, he request the expulsion of time tickers from the plant. He felt that this signal will achieve another degree of validity and fort ify relations between the workers and the administration at the site. The effect of this move was not totally beneficial. It proved to be productive at first however didn't have sweeping positive repercussions. The motion was acknowledged at first and many felt that was a positive exertion by the plant director. Be that as it may, the issues started springing up two months after the fact. Absteenism in the plant rose, efficiency levels declined and different issues began rising. This issue must be handled. Sims attempted to take care of the issue by giving extra duties to administrators of taking care of emplolyee passageway and leaving issues and talking about it with them. yet, the chiefs had no related knowledge at this and didn't have the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Recognition free essay sample

The previous summer I went to Manasquan, a town on the bank of New Jersey. Presently, having carried on with as long as I can remember in the northwest rural areas of Chicago and having seen a considerable amount of the scholarly disaster that is the show Jersey Shore, it’s not astounding that the shoreline of the Garden State was irrefutably the last spot I expected to locate another comprehension of the human association. Anyway subsequent to going through a day with my sibling Aidan, his companion Ted conversing with self-broadcasted rapper Andrew â€Å"Cozy† Cozenza, I found that I was dead off-base. The primary night we appeared in Manasquan would establish the pace for the remainder of the outing. We chose to go for a late night stroll along the promenade and express hey to everybody we met, normally beginning with a welcome of â€Å"Hey fellow! Whatcha up to?† After conversing with a couple of gatherings of individuals, we came back to the sea shore house resolved to meet whatever number new individuals as could be expected under the circumstances in the following week. We will compose a custom exposition test on Acknowledgment or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the days to come, we would wind up coming back to the heaps of mammoth solid T-shapes that were masterminded in heaps around a close by wharf so as to forestall disintegration, (named the T-rocks) just to stay nearby and talk with the characters that would appear. One of the first of these characters we met was a rapper who called himself Cozy. At the point when we initially observed Cozy, he was perched on the T-rocks battling to expel a struggle from the snare of his angling rod shaft. â€Å"Hey fellow! What’s up?† Cozy turned upward from his fish. â€Å"Oh hello, simply attempting to take this wallow off the line.† We climbed over the stones to draw nearer. â€Å"Nice get! What’s your name man?† Comfortable abandoned unraveling his fumble and cleared his hands off on his wetsuit. â€Å"Andrew, however I pass by Cozy a large portion of the time.† â€Å"Wait†¦ You’re Cozy?!† The T-rocks were canvassed in spray painting; names and pictures were splashed and drawn all over the place, however by a long shot the most noticeable tag showered on the rocks was a straightforward â€Å"Cozy† scribbled in purple shower paint. Comfortable let out a short laugh. â€Å"Yeah, you’ve seen my tags?† â€Å"They’re kinda difficult to miss, you showered them on essentially every rock.† Ted answered, inclining toward his elbow. Comfortable shrugged. â€Å"Yeah, isn’t it sweet?† We looked between one another. â€Å"Yeah†¦ they’re really cool I guess.† â€Å"Just getting the name out there man, everybody who comes here observes the tag. It’s great to be known for something around here.† As we strolled our way back to the sea shore house snickering about Cozy’s should be remembered, we ran over a gathering of individuals with cameras and receivers shooting what seemed to be a business for a neighborhood material organization. â€Å"Hey fellow, what’s with all the cameras?† I asked the man with the amplifier. â€Å"We’re shooting a business for Robert Haines Roofing.† He said with a grin. â€Å"Gotta get the name out there you know?†

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Why You Should Hire a Professional Ghost Writer For Your Essay Topics

Why You Should Hire a Professional Ghost Writer For Your Essay TopicsGhost writing is the process of ghost writing a short story, essay, or report. It can be used as a means of either self-referral for work, or by an employer to achieve a different kind of boost for an employee who has achieved a particular level in a particular area. A ghost writer can work with any professional company that would like to hire a ghost writer to create a ghost-written work, for example a newsletter or article.Ghost writing is not just limited to professional use either. Even a personal essay can become a ghost-written essay. Personal essays for home-schoolers, sports related essays, and other personalized essays for teachers can all be completed by a ghost writer. Ghost writing can be used to help with both content and distribution, and it can do wonders for someone that is trying to get back into the workforce.One of the best things about ghost writing is that it is a legal term, meaning that any em ployer or any client that finds out they have been hired to ghost write an assignment or report, can then sue the ghost writer in court. The truth is that the legal system takes such things very seriously. Since the legal term for ghost writing is actually 'opinion,' many ghost writers tend to describe their work as opinions, thus making it easier for an employer to get away with it. Many times, when you are hired to ghost write something, you are only doing it in order to save a buck.Another great thing about hiring a ghost writer is that it allows you to hire someone else. This allows you to expand your horizons, which is important in a hectic life.There are many advantages to hiring ghost writers, especially in the realm of professional writing. By hiring a ghost writer, you get the unique advantage of a ghost writer who has done their research and has an idea of what it takes to write a great draft.In fact, there are many reputable ghost writers that work for a reasonable fee. T hey will come up with topics and some strategies that allow them to keep their fee down while still creating a quality piece. Of course, their fee must be paid in advance and the ghost writers have to approve all the assignments they do.This is why it's important to hire professionals, which is why it is much better to use professional ghost writers rather than individuals. It allows for more flexibility, since you get the benefit of ghost writers who know what they are doing, and who are willing to go out and find topics for you.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Evaluation of Five Websites About Cloning Based on...

The Evaluation of five Websites about Cloning based on their Credibility and support by peer-reviewed Articles Introduction Ever since the birth of the first cloned sheep, named Dolly, the dream of human cloning has existed (Van Dijck, 1999). Cloning a mammal is described as the manipulation of an animal or human cell in order to create an identical copy of that animal’s or human’s nucleic DNA (Andrews, 1997). Though the dream of a human clone also comes with a lot of controversy regarding ethics and morals. Embryotic stem cell research, which could lead to a renewable source of human tissue, cells and eventually entire organs (Bowring, 2004), is highly controversial due to the necessity of placing a cloned embryo into a woman’s body†¦show more content†¦The website also elaborates on the history of animal cloning as it lists all animals that have successfully been cloned before, which includes: tadpole, sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur. Furthermore it discusses the implication of cloned organs as transplants and touches up on the risk o f cloning. The ethical side of cloning is also discussed shortly. Even though the website is not a peer-reviewed journal or article and does not provide proper references, it provides accurate, though old, information about cloning. The information specified can be backed up by a peer-reviewed article (Bowring, 2004), but as references are missing this website does not qualify as a highly suitable website. Furthermore the information given is moderately old, as for example; the list of cloned animals misses to mention the cloning of a dog, which was successfully achieved in 2005 (Levine, 2009). Proper referencing and peer reviewing could have helped to make this website more credible but with those factors missing the â€Å"Cloning Fact Sheet† website only qualifies as a moderately proper website and is therefore ranked as number 3. 4. â€Å"Health Canada - Human Cloning† The article †Human Cloning† on the â€Å"Health-Canada† website explains the issues surrounding therapeutic and reproductive human cloning. Additionally it introduces someShow MoreRelatedCloud Computing Security67046 Words   |  269 (version 2 guidance) (version 1 guidance) In a departure from the second version of our guidance, each domain was assigned its own editor and peer reviewed by industry experts. The structure and numbering of the domains align with industry standards and best practices. We encourage the adoption of this guidance as a good operating practice in strategic management of cloud services. These white papersRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words   |  696 PagesMarketing Management, 14e (Kotler/Keller) Chapter 1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century 1) Which of the following statements about marketing is true? A) It is of little importance when products are standardized. B) It can help create jobs in the economy by increasing demand for goods and services. C) It helps to build a loyal customer base but has no impact on a firms intangible assets. D) It is more important for bigger organizations than smaller ones. E) It is seldom used by nonprofitRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestruth is out there, and we can objectively know it Philosophical disputes around the role of the subjective in science Epistemological and ontolological disputes: how can we ever know the ‘truth’ and is there an ‘out there’? A few words of warning about the term postmodernism Overview of the structure and rationale of the book Chapter summaries Chapter 2: Modernist organization theory: back to the future? Chapter 3: Neo-modernist organization theory: putting people first? Chapter 4: Neo-modernist

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Defense Of Slavery - 1108 Words

Throughout history many things have happened that were by many thought to be unconscionable. Yet, the people who were putting their mark of unacceptance upon those committing these thought to be deplorable acts, were unaware of the actual situations, and in many cases, committing the same acts themselves. This was true during the Holy Wars, the Crusades and similar events. People who were not involved, often thought these acts of inhumanity to be reprehensible, but the parties involved, in their minds, had just cause for what they were doing. When looking back at events such as these, one can’t help but wonder, â€Å"what the heck were they thinking?† When in actuality the people of those times felt that what they were doing was totally†¦show more content†¦Slave holders always had to make sure that they took care of their slaves like they took care of the rest of their property, with care and pride. For if a slave were to perish, then that was a loss of money that wasalready spent, not just a loss of another replaceable worker. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another defense for slavery is to take a look at the African civilizations of that time. Though many Africans in their homeland were peaceful, almost no evident technological advances had been made in Africa. Africans appeared to be barbaric and uncultured. Slavery was a way to help and provide a better way of life for them. By giving them a religion and a place to work and better communicate with one another, the slave holders were helping the Africans to achieve a better way of life. To this day, many of the descendants of former slaves still practice the Christianity that was forced upon them by their owners. Evidence of life being better here is the fact that many of the slaves chose not to return to Africa after the demise of slavery. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Living conditions for slaves in many instances were more than adequate. Slaves had talked of how slave masters would let slaves marry.2 Days off of work were allowed at times, and the work day for a slave was also in manyShow MoreRelatedThe Antebellum World View: Assumptions About Slavery Held by Many Southerners939 Words   |  4 PagesView: Assumptions about Slavery held by many Southerners After the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783, issues arose concerning the institution of slavery in the Americas. Most of the inhabitants in the North wanted abolition of the slave trade and of slavery, but there were many who opposed this view, primarily in the Southern States below Virginia. Pro-slavery apologists contributed many different view-points of the argument for slavery. Edmund Ruffin defends slavery from an economic view, JosiahRead MoreThe Issue Of Slavery During The Years Between 1820 And 1865891 Words   |  4 PagesThe issue of slavery was becoming more and more prominent in the years between 1820 and 1865, and was creating a lot of sectional tension between the North, who tended to hold abolitionist beliefs, and the South, who were generally pro-slavery. Many arguments were used to defend slavery, but many of these arguments ignored some crucial details. For instance, moral arguments against slavery tended to ignore the horrible conditions slaves were forced to l ive in; economic arguments ignored many viableRead MoreThe Slavery Of Slavery And Slavery944 Words   |  4 Pagescondemn slavery. The South also used religion as their argument, but instead, they used the Bible to argue that slavery was an acceptable part of life. People have questioned whether it was right or wrong of the South to use the bible to support their beliefs in slavery. Some would say that pro-slavery southerners had every right to use the Bible to support their beliefs. When Northerners began to use the Bible against slavery, southerners used this same argument to support it. Slavery was a practiceRead MoreJohn Brown Was Not Justified in His Raids Essay959 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Brown was a man who lived in the mid eighteen-hundreds and who fought against the evil of slavery. He had a very strong belief that slavery was unjust, and this is true, but he thought that in order to abolish slavery, violence would be the best method. That’s where he went wrong. John Brown led two attacks on slave owners and those who supported slavery, the first at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas on May 24th, 1856, and the second at Harper Ferry, Virginia on October 16th, 1859. At PottawatomieRead MoreThe Slavery Of The United States Of America Essay1279 Words   |  6 Pages In reaction to the longstanding injustices of slavery in the United States of America, revolutionaries known as abolitionists provided and shared their philosophies and courses of action i n order to lead others in joining them to dispose of the enslavement of their fellow man and woman. There were, of course, diverse viewpoints and ideas in how freeing the enslaved would go about and why it was important. Leading abolitionists, including John Brown, Angelina Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison, and FrederickRead MoreThe Transatlantic Trade During The 1700s1337 Words   |  6 Pagesmodern times, slavery has found a way to rear its ugly head in one way or another. It would appear that a person being a chattel to another person, as Merriam-Webster defines slavery, has been around for practically an eternity. Not only has it been –and still is –present, but slavery has been worldwide. No matter what type of slavery –forced labor, debt labor, sex slavery, or child slavery- the topic has proven to be very controversial in history. For American history in particular, slavery is one reasonRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States1725 Words   |   7 Pagesviewed as a major factor that led to a new constitution. Though, Federalists and Anti-Federalists state their positions regarding gun control and its standing armies. Gun culture will continue to change through the ages in the United States while slavery and abolition contribute to an ongoing process of gun control debates. The significance on American gun debate, the Second Amendment, and tracing the history from the eighteenth century will have an effect on the nation we live in today. This complexRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1270 Words   |  6 Pagesbecome divided down the middle over slavery, a mainstay that helped the economic growth of this country? As the northern states population grew and expanded westward their anti-slavery beliefs began to spread faster than the pro-slavery beliefs of the southern plantation owners. This influx of an anti-slavery population began to use the senate as a platform to question the use of slavery, causing the southern elitists to strengthen their defenses in support of slavery. Many southerners feared theirRead MoreAnalysis Of Celia, A Slave, The Accounts Of One Woman s Life1121 Words   |  5 Pagestransgressing another†. During the 1850s, the United States was involved in a heated debate over the issue of slavery. Many of the residents of the state of Missouri, and nearby Kansas were fighting over the issue of slavery. The idea of popular sovereignty, where people who lived in a region should determine for themselves the nature of their government, or in this case the issue of slavery, brought fierce debate and caused conflicts between groups. In Melton A. McLaurin book, Celia, A Slave, theRead MoreThe Struggle Of The Civil War1492 Words   |  6 Pageswas not fought over slavery, citing the limited number of slave-owning households in the state. While the majority of Texans did not own slaves, it would be inaccurate to argue that they were therefore against slavery. Texas, represen tative of other southern states that supported slavery, had a vested interest in preserving the institution at all costs, which is why they risked their lives over it. Moreover, Texans may argue that the civil war was about states’ rights or defense of the southern â€Å"way

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management And American Based Company That Manufactures Motorcycles

Question: Discuss On American Based Company That Manufactures Motorcycles? Answer: Introduction UM-Motorcycles, also known as United Motors, is an American based company that manufactures motorcycles. The company was formed by Octavio Villegas Llano in the early 2000s and has its headquarters based in Miami while its manufacturing facilities are located in China and Taiwan. UM-Motorcycles was founded in 1951 in Columbia. The company has been expanding its business in the international market and has its business operations running in 25 nations with almost 1200 outlets at present. UM-Motorcycles in India The company has been expanding its business at a fast pace and a recent expansion of the company has been into the Indian market. The Indian market holds a lot of potential for two wheeler companies as it accounts for 78 percent of the total global two wheeler demand. The company entered the Indian market in 2016 by starting a 50:50 joint venture with Lohia Auto and invested around 100 crores INR to set up a manufacturing plant in Kashipur, Uttarakhand. The plant has a capacity of producing 5000 units in a month. The company is now operating under the name of UM Lohia in the Indian market and is rolling out two different variants of 280cc motorcycles Renegade Commando and Renegade Sport S (UM motorcycle seeks entry into the Indian scooter market, 2016). The company has identified the potential that the Indian market has to offer for two wheeler companies and is planning to exponentially expand its business in India and its neighbouring countries by the end of 2019. In an Auto Expo, where the company first showcased its two wheelers, the company was not able to grab the interest of the ultra-conscious Indian customers. It was only when the company announced the price of its cruiser bikes that it was able to spike the interest for its two wheelers in the Indian market. The company prices its products in a range that is affordable as per the Indian standards and is highly competitive as compared to the substitute products (Bawikar, 2016). The company has received a good response in the Indian market and is not planning to invest more resources so that it can start manufacturing engines for its two wheelers locally and reducing the prices even further (UM Motorcycles mulls manufacturing engines in India, 2016). UM Motorcycle market position in India The Indian market has a lot of demand for two wheeler vehicles because of its rising population and increasing purchasing power of the customers. The Indian population is diverse and there is a lot of demand for two wheelers belonging to all sections. At present, two major players in the Indian market are Royal Enfield and Harley Davidson. Without a doubt, Harley Davidson outperforms its competitors in terms of design, quality and performance but then the price difference between a Harley Davidson two wheeler and a two wheeler by Royal Enfield is around 3 lakhs INR. Most of the Indian customers desire to own a Harley Davidson two wheeler but the high price of the products makes it difficult for the customers to afford it. Thus, the company is left with Royal Enfield as the only option when it comes to cruiser bikes. The ability of UM Motorcycles to offer cruiser motorcycles in a range that lies in between the two is a competitive advantage for the firm and the firm has already receiv ed around 4,000 orders from the Indian market. A major issue that the company might face in the Indian market is that companies like Bajaj, Hero and Honda have already taken a huge market share when it comes to entry level segment of two wheelers and the Indian customers are happy with the quality of products that these companies are offering. The company has been planning to double up its manufacturing capacity by the end of 2017 because of the rising demands of its products in the market. UM Lohia has also revealed that it will be introducing two different two wheeler products in the Indian market that would be priced below the price of 1 lakh INR, which will definitely help the company in outperforming its competitors in the Indian market. Thus, the company has a bright future in the Indian market and the companys plan to invest additional resources to make the prices of its two wheelers even more cheap will have a huge impact on the Indian two wheeler market. The above chart shows the market share of different two wheeler companies in India during March 2016 (TeamBHP, 2016) Impact of UM Motorcycles on Indian economy The company has already been having a huge impact on the Indian two wheeler market and the Indian economy on the whole. The company has already invested around 100 crores in the Indian market to set up its plant and is planning to invest another 50 crores to set up a new plant that would allow the company to manufacture its engines and related parts locally rather than importing them from other foreign subsidiaries. The company has been expanding its operations in the Indian market at such a fast pace that at present, the company has around 71 dealerships in India spread across 50 cities and is planning to set up more dealerships to maximise its sales. This has definitely been having a huge impact on the Indian economy as with the foreign investment that the company is bringing into the country, there are more and more job opportunities opening up for the Indian employees in the plants that the company has set up and also in the dealerships that the company has started. Further, the growth of UM Motorcycles will also provide a boost to the Indian GDP because most of the Indian customer have a desire for premium and cruiser bikes but the demand for higher end or premium motorcycles has been restricted because of high prices. Once UM is able to come out with affordable premium and cruiser bikes, the demand for bikes will rise with a consequent rise in the production. Thus, the complete cycle will help in boosting up Indias GDP. Conclusion UM motorcycles definitely has an obvious chance of grasping a large market share in India because of the ability of the company to satisfy the demands of the Indian customers by providing them with two wheelers that are competitive in terms of price, features as well as quality. The only thing that the company needs to keep in mind with respect to the Indian market is that the Indian customers are price conscious and also give a huge importance to product life and quality. Thus, by keeping the prices of the two wheelers steady and competitive and also by ensuring higher quality products, UM Motorcycles has a high chance of outperforming companies like Bajaj, Hero and Honda in the near future. References UM motorcycle seeks entry into the Indian scooter market. (2016, August 13). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from Bawikar, P. (2016, July 23). UM Renegade cruisers are desirable, but they have a lot to live up to. Retrieved April 25, 2017, from UM Motorcycles mulls manufacturing engines in India. (2016, September 22). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from TeamBHP. (2016). March' 16 market share

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Effects of Daycare on Early Years Essays - Human Development

The Effects of Daycare on Early Years Kerrice Lawrence Nov 22, 2012 PSYC 361 There has been a growing trend towards relying on day cares by parents to look after children usually at a te nder age. Children experience significant development at this tender age. Thus, the environment and the people they spend their time with , generally affects them greatly. Experiences at this age stage of a person' development may determine his future character and social abilities. More and more people appreciate this, leading to further research on early childhood development. Some suggest that time that a child spends in a day care may break or make a child's future (Morrison, 2012 ). This paper looks at how the use of day cares has affected and impacted how children socialize. Attending a day care may affect how a child rela tes with its parent and affec t a child's own p ersonal abilities to socialize. These sensitive issues have led to a lot of study in these areas. It is essential to appreciate the main arguments for and against the use of day care centers. This can help one to take care of children and know what can be done to remedy the possible ill e ffects of using such services. This is a crucial topic as all human beings should be sociable, and expected to behave in a certain way while dealing with other people. There are many known consequences, both positive and negative, of sending children to care centers. Some of these consequences may have an impact on a child's temperament , which can make the child be in a state of discord and disharmon y with the community (Belsky Pluess, 2012) . Research i n this area has suggested several ways in which parents can influence how children socialize. It is essenti al to understand the impact of care centers on children's social skills, so as to develop appropriate solutions. Many parents find it more convenient to continue with their daily occupations than to take care of their children thus, take them to daycare programs to be attended by custodians. Daycare program entails letting the child 's early development be influenced by other individual s outside the immediate family. Nowadays there are an increasing number of employed women bear ing children, and with this many of them are putting their children in daycare programs (Peisner-Feinberg, Burchinal, Clifford, Culkin, Howes, Kagan Yazejian, 2001) . In relation to child attachment and the advantages of a stimulating environment on their early years, it is also crucial to consider how these programs will affect the coming generations. The main concern for this discussion involves the effects of daycare programs on the socialization process of the child. The early life experiences form the basis of the later development of the child. Children who utilize a lot of their waking hours under conditions or situations that are not stimulating are said to lose immensely ( Booth, Clarke-Stewart, Vandell, McCartney Owen, 2002). Many children might be affected by many factors ranging from social, economic, and environmental situations in either a positive or negative manner. The most significant influence by daycare program s underlies in the socialization area of a child's development. When compared to home-reared children, day care children were more likely to be self-sufficient, have a better connection with peers and comfortable with new situations in life. They are also reported to be less polite and less compliant to adults while being more aggressive in different issues. However, these behaviors are dependent on the toddler rearing attitudes , which are affected by parents and teachers (Roisman , Susman, Barnett-Walker, Booth-LaForce, Owen Steinberg , 2009 ). During the initial development of toddlers, two main areas are crucial to ensuring a complete and functional social development. The first function of social development involves the socialization. This social function includes all the attributes involved to enable one to establish and maintain feasible relations with other members of the society, and to be accepted within that society. At the same time it controls and regulates his/ her behavior according to society's requirements. This can also be considered as an integrating function of social development

Friday, March 13, 2020

What evidence is there of the pursuit of justice essays

What evidence is there of the pursuit of justice essays Justice is something that we all want from a Law and believe should be an integral part in any legal system. However, the meaning of Justice is very difficult to define. There are many aspects of justice that we may question about; i.e. is a particular law just? Is the legal system just? Much of the issue of justice is very controversial and raises questions such as whether the combination of Law and system produce a just result? Justice has a definition as follows: The quality of being just or fair, the act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishments Websters dictionary. This definition of Justice is vague and will be discussed further. One must take into account that the issue of justice also has other elements drawn into it: i.e. morality and justice. This illustrates that the law has been attributed with many objectives. These objectives are culminated from theoretical perspectives such as Positivism v Natural Law, Utilitarianism, Marx and Rawls. Other objectives associated with the Law and Weber, Durkheim, Llewellyn and Devlin debate justice. These theorists bring greater depth of explaining the significance of the objectives of Law in the English legal system, and also emphasises on how justice is expressed. For example, justice can be inherently linked to moral obligations in which the theorist Devlin lays down this view. We can further discuss the significance of the objectives; the theory of Natural Law. It is based on the idea that there is a divine source of Law, which is superior and based on moral rules, and that therefore Law and morality should absolutely reflect each other. The logical extension of this view is that the Legal rules of a country can be broken if they do not conform to moral Laws, a view that was favoured by St. Thomas Aquinas. This theory of Natural Law can be contrasted with Positivism. Natural lawyers conflict with positivist thinkers who believe that if the Law is ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Canadaian Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Canadaian Studies - Assignment Example Although the nation has been doing fine without the law, some quotas have taken advantage of this laxity and have involved in murderous activities in praising the abortion. In the past 11 years of great experimentation without the law, it has been revealed that, although there is no law against abortion, doctors and women have exercised the right to abortion responsibly, without the need for any legal restrictions since their conscience do not allow them to do so (Marshall, 1988). Due to lack of the laws and regulation restricting abortion, Canadian citizens, especially doctors have had a share of difficulties in attempting to deliver accessible abortion services to women in part of the world that illegalizes abortion. Unfortunately, semi-skilled legislators who cannot support the improvement women’s access to safe and legal abortion currently govern some parts of Canada (Marshall, 1988). The access to medical and healthy abortion has also been hindered by bigger size of the country, least populated nation according to its size. This has made it difficult to the country to make available abortion services to Canadian women (Marshall, 1988). Furthermore, the government does not fund several abortions clinics thus forcing women to attend hospitals abortion services. Unfortunately, Canadian hospitals are not the easiest or most reassuring places to acquire an abortion (Marshall, 1988). A second problem resulting from the lack of anti-abortion law is anti-choice harassment and violence to Canadian women and doctors in other parts of the world. For example, three Canadian abortion specialists have been shot dead in the last 5 years, by American terrorist who is anti-abortion. Some of the Canadian citizens especially, women have been deported back to Canada for practicing abortion in cultures and nations that have strict laws limiting abortion. The country also had had poor

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism - Research Paper Example â€Å"The Sanskrit term ‘mandala’ (dkhyl khor in Tibetan language) literally means circle, both in the sense of a circular diagram and a surrounding retinue† (Powers, 2007, p. 262). In Buddhist vocabulary, the term encompasses both contexts because it refers to circular diagrams that often incorporate illustrations of deities and their environs. Mandalas are a type of tantrik symbol, conveying a domain of sacredness, frequently portraying the celestial palace of a Buddha. They represent underlying philosophies with profound significance in Tibetan Buddhism. The symbols and images in a mandala describe features of the awakened psychophysical personality of the Buddha, and Buddhist themes and concepts (Powers, 2007, p.262). Generally, there are four types of mandalas: two outer mandalas made from powdered colors and created on a flat surface or painted on textiles, those formed in meditation, and the inner mandala depicting the body of the guru/ teacher or that of t he self (Brauen, 1992). Mandala is a Sanskrit word in which ‘manda’ means essence and ‘la’ means container; thus the term translates into a container of essence (Fleming, 2006). The Tibetan term for mandala is ‘dkhyl ‘khor’, with ‘khor’ defined as ‘that which encircles’ and ‘dkhyl’ meaning ‘around a center’; they can be two or three dimensional and constructed of various materials. The sand mandala is believed to have been transmitted to Tibet from India in the eleventh century (Fleming, 2006). Some who have studied the historical nature of the mandala have conjectured that the mandala diagram arose in Tibet or China in ‘pre-lamist’ times (Brauen, 1992). ... Thus, â€Å"the mandala serves as a representation of an awakened mind that is free of all such obstacles† (Powers, 2007, p.263). In the sphere of tantrik practice, it is a powerful symbol of the state that meditators attempt to achieve. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of mandala and the different types of mandalas. Their religious and philosophical meaning in Tibetan Buddism will be discussed, with an emphasis on the sand mandala. The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism The four types of mandalas consist of two outer mandalas which are made from powdered colors or painted on textiles. The third are the mandalas formed in meditation, and finally the body is the fourth form of mandala. A further form of mandala exists in the three-dimensional type, which are difficult to understand because spatiality is the most striking feature of the basic structure of mandalas. The Dharmamandala Sutra conveys the existince of â€Å"gold, silver, shell, ston e, horn, wood and clay, besides those painted on cloth or made of colored powder† (Buddhist Society, 1996, p.160). Three-dimensional mandalas have been discovered in numerous places where Tibetan Buddhism spread, including the Potala in Lhasa where there is a Kalacakra mandala; the Xuguang Ge of Pule Si in Chengde, China; and Zangdog Palri Monastery in Kalimpong, India. The intrinsic three-dimensionality of all mandalas is seen in the depiction of a three dimensional mandala. This is not a Kalacakra mandala, but a Zhi Khro mandala with one hundred and ten peaceful and wrathful deities of the intermediate state known as bar do. These are the deities that appear to the deceased immediately upon entering the sphere of death. Two-dimensional mandalas may either be painted

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The submittal of claims Essay Example for Free

The submittal of claims Essay The submittal of claims to insurance companies requesting payment for medical services provided by a doctor to a patient is called the medical billing process. Ten steps make up the process: preregistration of patients; establishment of financial responsibility for the visit; checking patients in; checking patients out; the review of coding compliance; verifying billing compliance; the preparation and transmittal of claims; the monitoring of payer adjudication; generation of patient statements; and the follow-up of payments by the patients and the handling of collections. HCPCS, HIPAA, CPT, and ICD have an influence on every step of the process. The 9th Revision-Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is a global categorization of disease and contains sets of codes. These codes give information for evenly measures and diagnoses. The ICD-9 code has three digits, and these three may be followed by a decimal point and then two more digits. The Healthcare Common procedure coding system (HCPCS) does not give diagnosis information, only information about the procedure area. The purpose of HCPCS codes is to process hospital treatments for outpatient services. Physicians also use these codes. ICD-9 procedure codes are required by HIPAA for their porting procedures of hospital inpatients. The numerical codes for CPT and the diagnoses areas signed by the coding team. They make these assignments based on information given by the provider. A charge is then created, following the billing rules that pertain to certain locations and carriers. People who work on the process of medical billing have to maintain patient information confidentiality based on HIPPA rules. Employees must also be truthful and conduct themselves with integrity. Every procedure and diagnosis has to be correctly documented and then coded accurately to avoid any delays in payments.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Alexander The Great Essay -- World History Biography Alexander Great

Few historical figures stand out in the same degree as that of Alexander the Great. He was a warrior by 16, a commander at age 18, and was crowned King of Macedon by the time he was 20 years old. He did things in his lifetime that others could only dream about. Alexander single-handedly changed the nature of the ancient world in just over a decade. There were many attributes that made Alexander â€Å"Great.† He was a brilliant strategist and an inspired leader; he led by example and was a conqueror at heart. In looking at his early childhood, accession to the throne, conquests, marriage, and death one can see why Alexander the Great is revered in historical contexts as one of the greatest figures of all time. Alexander was born in Pella, the capital of Macedon, on July 20, 356 B.C. He was the son of King Philip II and his fourth wife Olympias, an Epirote princess. Alexander was bred to be a warrior; his father was a great commander and king, and his mom’s second cousin, Pyrrhus of Epirus, was a celebrated general. So there were noteworthy examples of military genius on both sides of his family. As a child, Alexander’s mother would tell him stories of how he was a descendant to Achilles and Hercules. Achilles was his favorite hero growing up, as he read of his adventures in Homer’s Iliad. From an early age Alexander was practically raised by everyone but his parents. He was originally educated by a strict teacher named Leonidas. Alexander’s father wanted Alexander to become a great man, so he acquired the famous philosopher Aristotle to become his tutor. Aristotle trained him in rhetoric and literature, and stimulated his interest in medicine, science , and philosophy. Aristotle is credited for Alexander’s fasci... ... to develop a system of administration for his vast realm of power. Alexander the Great [database online], 22 October 2004. Accessed 21 May 2008. Available from; Internet. Burke, Edmund, M. â€Å"Philip II and Alexander the Great,† Journal of Military Affairs (April 1983): 67-69. Heckel, Waldemar. The Wars of Alexander the Great. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2002. Heckel, Waldemar; Yardley, J.C. Alexander the Great. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004. History of Western Civilization [database online], Edited by E.L. Skip Knox. Boise State University, 6 December 2002. Accessed 2 June 2008. Available from; Internet. Robinson, C.A. â€Å"The Extraordinary Ideas of Alexander the Great.† The American Historical Review 2 (January 1957): p. 53-72.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Reaction Paper on SONA 2014 Essay

There were many highlights on the recent SONA President Benigno S. Aquino stated last July 28, 2014 and these are the 3 things that intrigued me the most: Under the controversial DAP, PNoy said that around P1.6 billion fund was given to Training-for-Work Scholarship Program of TESDA. A total of 223,615 beneficiaries have graduated with an equivalent of 146,731 graduates currently working. I would say I really applauded him for his insights on education. True, Education is very important in every country. A country consists of people, now if those people are mostly illiterate what do you think would the country become of? And yes, after spending a couple of pesos to those students through scholarships, how much do you think those students would pay for their taxes when the will graduate and have their own jobs? see more:sona 2017 reaction paper The ugly side of this though is the reaction of COA and politics involvement. Did you know that according to COA these amounts were not fully utilized by the agency, casting doubt on Aquino’s figures. COA said that out of the P1.1 billion funds from DAP obtained by TESDA in 2011 for TWSP, only 92.47% was utilized. Now how about that?! People and even projects are not perfect. When will they accept that?! I am still thankful though because at least he is showing positive numbers and facts. President Benigno S. Aquino III, during his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, cited attainments in the country’s aviation industry as having contributed to the country’s steady economic growth the past year. First on the list of citations was when the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) last March 2013 lifted the significant safety concerns it had previously issued for the Philippines.In the same year, the European Union lifted its ban on Philippine Airlines, allowing it to fly once again to Europe. But with the improved aviation system, President Aquino said, Filipinos can now fly directly from Manila to London. President Aquino also welcomed the FAA’s decision to upgrade the Philippines’ aviation status back to Category 1. He said that because of this upgrade, it is likely that there  will also be an increase in routes going to the United States â€Å"The increase in flights of our local airlines to the United States and participating countries in the EU is a big help to both tourism and business,† the President said in his speech. I am also thankful for this one. Philippines being an accessible country worldwide is a Go Go ! what I meant is its a definite plus for us if we don’t spend too much on connecting flights just for us to get to our destination. I not sure if ever you experienced connecting flights before and I really hope youd never do . Because, Oh my! it is such a hassle with time and money. Imagine you being excited but you need stopovers, sleeping in the airport just catch the earliest flight to your destination and pray to GOD the weather will cooperate or else you’re stuck! Meanwhile, President Aquino also pointed out how the country’s hosting of the World Economic Forum on East Asia this year was a huge success, showing the world the country’s capacity in business.â€Å"†¦With the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Summit the Philippines will be hosting next year, we will be able to inform even more people of our progress, and the opportunities that this has opened up for all,† he said. This is my biggest concern of them all. I hope he will exert more effort on this one. As a regular consumer I don’t see myself having a positive sides on this one. Yes I know we are eventually experiencing Mother Nature’s reminders on how we should take care of the resources she has given. But by God! even the spices that is very common and needed in every household (ex: GARLIC – my favourite spice with chicken) costs too much. Including our staple food which is rice. This one needs to be alleviated! Remember County c onsists of People, People needs Education but most of all it needs to FOOD in order to survive!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Case Study Two Moms - 1630 Words

Unit 4 Final Assignment Case Study 9.4: Two Moms Step 1: In the case study, â€Å"Two Moms†, there are multiple problems brought up. The first problem is Denise, a student with two moms, is getting picked on by her classmates. The second problem is the teacher, Ms. Ribiero, is not sure how to bring up hard topics in her classroom, such as homosexuality, and the different ways families can look. The third problem is the backlash received from the parents. Step 2: Ms. Ribiero was trying to do what she thought was best in the circumstance. She saw one of her students getting picked on because the other students were misinformed and she wanted to inform them to prevent other students being bullied in the future. The parents†¦show more content†¦Step 4: The long-term outcome that the school would like from this experience is more acceptance of all families from all families. The short-term goal is for Denise to feel safe in her classroom and for Ms. Ribiero to be able to h ave the conversation with her class about acceptance and loving everyone. Step 5: An immediate response would have been to talk to the students when they were first making fun of Denis for reading the book. Ms. Ribiero can also send home a letter to all the parents in the class and explain to them that she is teaching a lesson on the ways families can look different. She can also include the books she will read to her classroom, in her letter home to parents. This way they will be able to read them before their students will. This should allow parents to feel more included what their children are learning. She could also have parents choose to opt their children out of the lesson and have them do something in a different classroom while she is teaching the lesson. Step 6: The larger issue stems at the school administration. They need to make new policies about implementing lessons into the classroom about diversity in families. They should also make a parent meeting once a year abou t the different families at the school and how everyone can be more understanding and compassionate for diversity in the schools. Step 7: The first action that the school needs to take is to talk to the upset parents andShow MoreRelatedThe Mental Health Risk Associated With The Tiger Mom Parenting Style And How It Affects The Education Of Their1173 Words   |  5 PagesThe debate is on: The Mental Health risk associated with the Tiger Mom parenting style versus Western parenting style and how it affects the education of their kids. Recently we have been overwhelmed with the comments of strict parenting techniques used to enforce respect and discipline, education, and success. Attention has been focused on the 2011 book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. 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